Insurance Coverage
for IpsiHand®
We’ve got you covered while you
focus on recovery.
Have you suffered a stroke?
We navigate policies, claims, and appeals for you.
The IpsiHand Upper Extremity Rehabilitation System uses your healthy brain activity to retrain a new part of your brain to control your affected arm or hand.
IpsiHand is a therapeutic medical device designed for chronic stroke survivors to use during at-home rehabilitation sessions. It is covered by most commercial insurers, as well as Medicare and Veteran Affairs coverage options. Our dedicated support team will work with you to navigate insurance coverage for your IpsiHand.
IpsiHand can help arm or hand function after a stroke, helping restore mobility and regain autonomy in your daily life.
Coverage made simple
Stroke recovery is a taxing and complicated process on its own. Let our team of experts help you navigate the logistics of your IpsiHand journey.
Find out if you qualify to get started today.
Get started
You can find out if you’re qualified for IpsiHand and if your insurance might cover your device in just three easy steps:
1. See if you qualify for IpsiHand with our simple assessment
2. Submit your insurance information for our team’s review
3. Connect our dedicated support team with your doctor
Get started
You can find out if you’re qualified for IpsiHand and if your insurance might cover your device in just three easy steps:
1. See if you qualify for IpsiHand with our simple assessment
2. Submit your insurance information for our team’s review
3. Connect our dedicated support team with your doctor
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a prescription for IpsiHand?
IpsiHand is available by prescription only. Our excellent team of care experts are happy to coordinate with your provider to receive a prescription.
How will I know if my insurance covers IpsiHand?
Our team will coordinate with your doctor and insurance company to manage the information gathering process as well as the insurance submission. We will keep you updated on the process every step of the way.
What are you going to do with my insurance information?
We use your insurance information to coordinate and monitor the insurance process. With it, our dedicated care team can ease your burden in navigating your prescription and insurance coverage.
Why do you need my doctor’s information?
IpsiHand is a rehabilitation device and program that your doctor can prescribe for you. By connecting us with your provider, it simplifies the insurance process and maximizes the potential for your IpsiHand to be covered by insurance.
I’d like to talk to my doctor about IpsiHand myself. How do I do that?
We’re happy to talk to your doctor for you, but if you’re more comfortable requesting a prescription from your doctor directly, you can provide them with our informational packet. The packet details important clinical and insurance information. It will introduce them to the benefits of IpsiHand, walk them through the prescribing criteria, and facilitate the collection of necessary documentation for your insurance provider.
How long would I need to use the IpsiHand to see potential results?
One hundred percent of clinical trial participants saw an improvement in their arm and/or hand function following participation in the study. Our clinical trials demonstrated clinically significant arm and hand improvement for 66.7% of trial participants. The IpsiHand study protocols required the use of the device approximately 1 hour per day, 5 to 7 days a week for a total of at least 12 weeks in patients 6 or more months post-stroke. Participants in our clinical trials used the IpsiHand system at home for the duration of the study.